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o Issue N# 3 - 2013 o


Cochlear implantation in older patients: Outcomes and comparisons

Authors : Rafferty A, Tapper L, Strachan D, Raine C. (Bradford)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2013;134,3:119-124.

Article published in english
Downloadable PDF document english

Summary : Objectives: A review of adults receiving cochlear implants (CIs) at the Yorkshire Cochlear Implant Service (YCIS) was performed to assess whether age affects use or outcomes. Methods: A retrospective analysis of all patients over the age of 50 implanted and habilitated at the YCIS was undertaken. Outcome measures included quality of life (QoL) question­naires and speech perception tests: CUNY sentences and BKB sentences. Comparisons were made between patients implanted age 50 to 59 (A), 60 to 69 (B) and 70 and over (C). Patients with English as a second language and those implanted for less than 9 months were excluded. Data was analysed using a repeated measure regression model. Results: 80 adults were included; A, 31; B, 29; C, 20. Significant improvements were seen in speech perception scores in all groups from pre-implant to 3 months. No statistically significant difference was found between the 3 groups in any outcome measure. QoL scores overall showed increased independence and greater partici­pa­tion in social activities with all patients feeling their implant had been successful. Discussion: Increased life expectancy and availability of cochlear implants (CIs) has led to greater numbers of older patients being eligible for implantation. Our results show improved speech perception and QoL outcomes in all groups. The lack of statistically significant differences between age groups supports the benefits of CIs in the older population. Older age should not be a discriminating factor in candidacy for cochlear implantation and referral of older patients to implant centres should be encouraged.

Price : 10.50 €      order

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