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o Issue N# 1 - 2005 o


The jugulotympanic paragangliomas: 41 cases report

Authors : D. Q. Nguyen, E. Boulat, J. Troussier, E. Reyt, J. P. Lavieille, S. Schmerber (Grenoble)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2005;126,1:7-13.

Article published in french
Downloadable PDF document french

Summary : Objective: The jugulotympanic paragangliomas (JTP) represents the most frequent tumour of the middle ear but also of the temporal bone, after the acoustic neurinoma. The management of these vascular tumours remains uncleared. The purpose of this study was to report our experience about JTP in the CHU of Grenoble. Materials and methods: Retrospective study of 41 patients, between 1973 and 1996. Six stages A, 8 stages B and 27 stages C are reported in whom 20 cases (49%) presented an intracranial extension (classification of Fisch). There were 2 familial cases with multiple localisations, in particular carotid. All the patients were divided in 3 groups: surgery or radiation therapy in first intention, surgery followed by radiation therapy. Results: A total tumor removal without recurrence was achieved by surgery in more than 95% of the cases with 6 years follow-up but was associated with significant morbidity (major cranial nerve injury). We noticed one death by laryngospasme (C2Di2 tumour operated by infratemporal A approach). A stabilization of the tumour was obtained with radiotherapy in first intention in 75% of the cases (5 years follow-up) but with a risk of radionecrosis. A revision surgery was necessary in 3 cases. Conclusion: The comparaison of our different therapeutic management, surgery (23), radiation therapy (16) or combined (2), encourage us to perform a radical surgery whenever possible. Because of the slow rate of growth, the radiotherapy is indicated for older patients, at risk for surgery or extensive tumors. The objectives of the radiation therapy are to obtain a tumoral stabilization with improvement of the symptoms and low morbidity. The management of this rare pathology must be multidisciplinary. The recent discoveries on genes encoding three succinate dehydrogenase subunits (SDHD, SDHB et SDHC) will allow a genetic detection of asymptomatic case and will define the procedures for their managemement, coordinated by a national network PGL.NET. A retrospective study could also study the real incidence of familial paragangliomas.

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