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o Issue N# 4 - 2012 o


Mucoepidermoid carcinomas of salivary glands: Prognostic significance of immunohistochemestry. A study of 49 cases

Authors : Santini L, Coulibaly B, Gaudart J, Turner F, Michel J, Giovanni A, Dessi P, Fakhry N. (Marseille)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2012;133,4:183-187.

Article published in french
Downloadable PDF document french

Summary : Introduction: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is consi­dered as the most common malignant salivary gland tumor. Its prognosis is dominated by the presence of high-grade forms involving life-threatening. The aim of our study was to evaluate the usefulness of immunohistochemistry to identify the most aggressive forms and allow better discrimination between low grade, intermediate grade and high grade tumors. Materials and methods: This was a retrospective study of 49 cases of mucoepidermoid carcinomas of salivary glands. Two immunohistochemical markers have mainly been studied: a marker of proliferation (Ki-67) and a growth factor receptor (EGFR). Additional analyzes were performed with other markers (p53, ACE, bcl2, CD 117 and her2). Statistical analy­sis investigated the existence of a correlation between the pre­sen­ce of these factors and the histopathological grade on one hand and survival of patients on the other hand. Results: Regarding the results of immunohistochemical Ki-67 and EGFR, it was observed a better survival rate when the immuno­staining was less than 10%. The expression of Ki-67 and EGFR was correlated with the histological grade, but did not, in our study, allow discrimination between low-grade, intermediate grade and high grade. Our results are consistent with data of the literature, including Ki-67, which appears to be a useful but not powerful marker of prognosis of MEC. Other markers studied (p53, ACE, bcl2, CD 117 and her2) showed no contri­bu­tory results. Conclusion: The prognosis of MEC is appre­ciated satisfactorily following histological criteria: histological grade, surgical margins, perineural invasion or vascular emboli. The integration of immunohistochemistry in a thera­peutic algorithm could be particularly useful for the challen­ging assessment of prognosis of intermediate grades.

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