Issue N# 2 - 2010
Termino-terminal hypoglossofacial anastomosis, indications, results
Authors : Lamas G, Lannadère E, Tankéré F, Truong Tan T, Bernat E, Gatignol P. (Paris)
Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2010;131,2:97-102.
Article published in french
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Summary :
Objectives: Retrospective study about the indications and the results of the end to-end hypoglossofacial anastomosis (AHF tt). Materials and methods: Between 2004 and 2010, 38 patients were able to benefit from an AHF tt. It was about 13 men and 25 women. The mean age was of 40 years and the average deadline of coverage after facial paralysis was of 21.3 months. The etiology of the paralysis was in 47.7% of the cases a surgery for vestibular schwannoma and in 18% of the cases, of the facial nerve schwannoma. Besides the AHF tt, a golden weight was put to 6 of our patients. A specific and premature speech therapy remediation was realized at our all patient's. Results: The beginning of recovery was spread out between 3 and 9 months. The final result was a grade III HB (37%) and IV HB (60%). Only a case of grade V HB was observed. The complications often reported by the AHF tt were very widely decreased by the specific reeducation. Conclusion: AHF tt is a particularly reliable technique, for rehabilitation of facial palsy, when the peripheral branches are intact and it, for the deadline 4-years-old subordinate except particular cases.
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