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o Issue N# 5 - 2007 o


Voice Handicap Index adapted to the singing voice

Authors : Morsomme D, Gaspar M, Jamart J, Remacle M, Verduyckt I. (Bruxelles)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2007;128,5:305-314.

Article published in french
Downloadable PDF document french

Summary : Objective: The present study is the outcome of 5 former studies aiming at adapting the V.H.I. to singers. We propose in this last version a V.H.I. valid for all types of singers, dysodic or not. Material and methods: The reliability, validity and internal coherence were evaluated on a population of 192 classical singers and 27 non singers. Results: The comparison of the mean scores at the test and the retest shows that the results at the retest are significantly inferior in both the functional scale (p= 0.013) and the global score (p= 0.006). The test/re-test stability is good (ICC: Functional scale (F): 0.869, Emotional scale (E): 0.846, Physical scale (P): 0.85, Global score (G): 0.878/ Spearman’s rho F: 0.855, E: 0.834, P: 0.858, G: 0.886). The internal coherence of each sub scale is good (Cronbach’s alpha: > 0.80). The correlation between the 3 subscales is quite high (FvsE: 0,613 /EvsP: 0,737/ FvsP: 0,693) which means that each scale measures a specific dimension but that they are still homogeneous. The test/re-test difference between the singers and the controls are not significant but the control group has a greater variability in their answers (Levene test: F: p<0.001; P: p= 0.009; G: p= 0.02). Three variables increase the results: being a solist (F: p= 0.046; E: p= 0.002; P: p= 0.056; G: p= 0.006), being an amateur (F: p< 0.001; E: p= 0.019; P: p< 0.001; G: p= 0.001), having a vocal complaint (F, E, P et G: p< 0.001). Conclusion: This version of the V.H.I. is reliable, valid and adapted to the population of classical singers.

Price : 10.50 €      order

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